Saturday, August 4, 2012

Displaying My Credentials

I have been busily working on getting my classroom ready for students to arrive in eleven days.  I have spent time envisioning how learning will occur in this space. Trying to set up a functional and friendly space, I have carefully chosen books, posters, and supplies for my room.  With cooperative learning in mind, I have grouped desks together. I have tried to make deliberate choices that will impact learning in my room.

As I started unpacking boxes and cleaning off my desk, I reflected on a conversation I had this summer with a teacher from Georgia. We met while attending a conference. During one of our lunches, we discussed how teachers are often not viewed as professionals. My Georgia friend pointed out that we are one of the only professions that do not display our credentials in our workspace. He said he has always displayed his diplomas and teaching certificate in his classroom and every teacher should do the same.  I sat there stunned. He was right. I didn't know one teacher who displayed his/her credentials in their classroom. Why?

I am very proud to be a teacher. As a result, I often tell my students about my journey to become a teacher. I tell them about growing up in a small town where AP classes were few. I tell them about the eighth grade counselor who told me that I shouldn't bother with the pre-college curriculum in high school because "we both know you will end up pregnant". I tell them about the amazing high school teachers who encouraged me. I tell them about how I worked two jobs to pay my college tuition. I tell them that they can be "masters of their fate", too. The diplomas and teaching certificate would be visual reminders of my hard work to my students and myself.

I have thought of the conversation with my Georgia friend often during the last few weeks.  Why haven't I displayed my credentials in my room? Had I bought into the idea that teachers are not as important as other professions--doctor, lawyer, etc.? No. I feel very strongly that teaching is an important profession--even, a calling. I think I just hadn't thought about displaying these documents before. After all, no one I knew did this. 

So this year, I have pulled my diplomas and teaching certificate out of storage. I bought a few frames and hung them behind my desk. It's time. Who knows? Maybe this will start a trend in my building.

I think my Georgia friend would be pleased.



  1. I'm going to pull mine out today! I think it will not only validate me, and make a statement, but the kids will see that higher education is important to me and that I value my hard work and my accomplishments. It's OK to be proud of our accomplishments! Thanks to you and to Georgia! ;)

  2. My students often comment on my degrees. I definitely think it's should be proud of our accomplishments. Good luck. Have fun picking out frames.

  3. I display my National Board certificate, and that's all. I don't hang any diplomas, not even my doctorate, because I didn't want to appear pretentious and intimidate parents (or administrators.) Nice rationale.
