Day 27:What role do weekends and holidays play in your teaching?
For some reason when I read this question the Bangles song "Manic Monday" started rolling through my head. That is the role weekends and holidays play in my teaching. They help me avoid manic Mondays.
I use weekends and holidays primarily for catching up on grading and planning. If I am lucky, I can get ahead for the week and my Monday morning isn't so stressful. Sometimes, I attend a conference. Often, I spend time updating my blog and class webpage. Other times, I have a chance to get to the paperwork that has piled on my desk for the week.
I also use the weekend to catch up on reading blogs, my Twitter feed, and Ed articles my teacher friends have recommended.
I am sure the way I spend my weekend isn't so different from other teachers, but I thought I would share my favorite graphic for what teachers do on weekends. It was originally posted by We Are Teachers.
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