Monday, January 18, 2016

New Year's Challenge: Update

On January 3rd, I wrote about my New Year's Challenge of leaving my bag at school. I know to some of my readers that goal seems silly, but it really was a challenge for me.

On January 4th, the first day of my challenge, I walked out of my classroom with only my lunch bag and purse. I actually felt a little anxious leaving the bag at school. There was plenty for me to do if I brought the bag home, which meant there would be plenty STILL to do if I left the bag.  I know the goal of the challenge was to see if I could be more productive during the school day, but that first day back I still had lots to do that evening. 

Still, I closed my classroom door and left the bag there. The next day it was a little easier, but I still felt anxious about leaving the bag at school. When Friday afternoon came and it was time for me to leave, I debated whether to take the bag home again. I decided I had prepped enough for Monday that I didn't need to take it home. And, I didn't. Over the course of the next two weeks, I continued to leave my little bag behind. 

I learned a lot about myself during this challenge. I learned I can relax in the evenings with my family. It felt good to be present with them in the evenings. There wasn't a bag of work looming that kept my attention divided. 

I learned that the school building won't fall in if I leave work undone overnight. Imagine that. 

I also learned that I was more relaxed during the school day despite not completing tasks the evening before. This sounds contradictory, but I think knowing that I was going to have a respite each night from work allowed me to focus more during the day. 

I hope to continue leaving the bag at school. I know there will be times when it is more difficult to do, like when my students' essays come rolling in next week, but I hope to figure out a way to leave the bag at school and rest in the evenings. 

Maybe this will be one challenge that becomes a habit. 

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